
Privacy Policy

The best partner for precision medicine

Privacy Policy of
Invites Biocore Co., Ltd.

Invites Biocore, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") considers the protection of personal information to be of great importance.
Please be aware of the methods by which the Company collects, uses, and discloses information.
This Privacy Policy explains the Company's policies regarding the information that the Company collects through various means.

Collected Information
Items of Personal Information Processed by the Company

The following are the items of personal information that the Company processes:

  • Provision of services for clinical trials and specimen analysis
  • Resumes, cover letters, and other materials of job applicants
  • Information for customer follow-up management
  • Used as a communication channel for notification delivery, complaint handling, etc.
  • (The following items are collected when customers make inquiries via the Company's representative phone line) Name, email address, contact information (home phone number, mobile phone number), address, category (regular customer/job applicant), affiliation, type of inquiry (product and service-related questions/other questions), other general personal information of the customer included in the inquiry voluntarily mentioned during the customer inquiry on the Company's website, health-related information, and other sensitive information.

The Company may combine other information that it has lawfully collected from you with the information you have provided.

Company's Purposes and Methods of Processing Personal Information

The Company uses and discloses the information provided by you to the Company at the time of collection as explained to you.
The Company uses the information collected from you or lawfully received from you as follows:

  • When responding to requests such as sending documents or answering customer inquiries and fulfilling requests
  • When transmitting changes to terms of use, policies, and/or other administrative information or important information related to the relationship with you or this site
  • For business purposes such as data analysis, auditing, new product development, improving the Company's website, improving the Company's products and services, understanding site usage trends, providing personalized products and proposals to you to tailor your site experience, and evaluating the effectiveness of the Company's promotional campaigns
  • Company's medical and pharmaceutical research activities:Performing medical and pharmaceutical research and development tasks such as data analysis collected through clinical activities
  • Company's marketing and medical/pharmaceutical information dissemination tasks: Conducting marketing or medical/pharmaceutical information acquisition and dissemination activities targeting healthcare professionals such as market research, product briefings, and conducting educational activities targeting joint marketing company employees, other stakeholders
  • Contract conclusion and performance:Confirmation of the identity of the contract counterparty, determination of contract conclusion, supply of products and collection of payment, payment of service fees such as lecture fees, consulting fees, and other service fees, performance of the contract, business contact within the necessary scope for performance of the contract, response to non-performance of obligations, handling of disputes and complaints related to the contract, proof of contract conclusion and performance, and computerized management of the contract counterparty, contract content, payment details, etc.
  • Compliance with the Company's legal and administrative obligations:Reporting of adverse drug reactions, usability survey results, reporting and payment of various taxes such as corporate and value-added taxes, issuance and provision of receipts and tax invoices, and compliance with legal and administrative obligations imposed on the Company
  • Responding and handling consumer and customer inquiries and complaints, and delivering notifications
  • Confirmation of entry and exit, crime prevention, and securing contact information
  • Administrative processing of job applications and hiring, and responding to job-related inquiries

In addition, when necessary or appropriate, the Company uses and discloses your information in accordance with the laws and regulations governing personal information protection, as follows: (a) When allowed by the relevant laws including those outside of your country of residence, (b) when following legal procedures, (c) when responding to requests from public or governmental authorities outside of your country of residence, including public or governmental authorities, (d) when enforcing the terms and conditions of our Company, (e) when protecting the operation of our company or our affiliates, (f) when protecting the rights, privacy, safety, or assets of our company, our affiliates, you, or others, and (g) when pursuing available remedies or limiting the damages our Company may incur. The Company may also use and disclose your information in other ways with your consent.

The following is an overview of the Company's provision of personal information to third parties.

Recipient(s) of
the provision
Purpose of
the provision
Items of information
Retention and
use period
Ministry of Food and
Drug Safety and sponsor
Fulfillment of reporting obligations, such as submission of clinical trial plans (plan modifications) for review under relevant laws and regulations, reporting on the status of clinical trials, reporting adverse drug reactions, and reporting results of clinical trials Name, position, contact information, affiliation, hospital name, and hospital address of clinical trial investigators, as well as health information such as date of birth, height, weight, gender, race, smoking status, pregnancy status, and health status of trial participants Until the purpose of
use is achieved
Institutional Review Board (IRB) of each hospital Performance of various reporting obligations related to clinical trials Name, position, contact information, affiliation, hospital name, and hospital address of clinical trial investigators, as well as health information such as date of birth, height, weight, gender, race, smoking status, pregnancy status, and health status of trial participants Same as above.

We are outsourcing personal information processing tasks as follows. If there are any changes in the content of the entrusted work or the entrusted party, we will disclose it through the "Notice" corner and this policy.

Consignee Contents of
commissioned work
CRScube Management and storage of clinical trial-related databases

In addition, we may use and disclose information that is not personally identifiable for any purpose. If the Company combines information that cannot identify an individual with information that can identify an individual (e.g. combining your name with your geographic location), the Company will handle the combined information as personal information as long as the combination is maintained.

Third-party Sites and Services

This privacy policy does not cover any third-party's personal information, information, or practices, including any third-party that operates any site or web device (including any application, but not limited to) that can be accessed through this site or that includes links to this site, and we are not responsible for them. The fact that all of these sites or businesses are available through or linked to this site does not imply that we or our affiliates guarantee them.


The company uses reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures required by relevant laws and regulations to protect personal information under its control. However, no data transmission or storage system via the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please contact us immediately using the "Customer Contact" section below to let us know the reason for your concern.

Options and Access
Your options regarding the use and disclosure of your personal information by us

We provide you with the option to choose whether or not your personal information is used and disclosed for marketing purposes. We receive your consent for providing medical information and using personal information for marketing purposes, and provide you with related notifications. However, you may refuse the following at any time even after giving consent.

  • Receiving marketing news: If you no longer wish to receive future marketing news from us, you can choose not to receive such news by contacting our customer service representative at 02-2027-6200. To stop receiving marketing emails or direct mail from us, please provide us with your name and email or postal address.
  • Receiving notifications from our company: If you no longer wish to receive future medical notifications from us, you may contact us through our representative phone number (02-2027-6200) to choose not to receive such notifications. To stop receiving notifications from us, please provide us with your name and email address or phone number.
  • Sharing of your personal information with our affiliates and third-party partners: If you do not wish to share your personal information with our affiliates and/or third-party partners for marketing purposes in the future, you may contact us at our representative phone number (02-2027-6200) to stop such sharing.When contacting us, please specify that you do not want us to share your personal information with our affiliates and/or third-party partners for marketing purposes, and provide us with your name and email address.

We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable. Please note that if you have refused to share your information as described above, please note that it is not possible for us to delete your personal information that has already been shared from the affiliate's database (that is, sharing of information stops after your refusal request and for information that was legally provided before your request, you must request deletion of your personal information from that company). Even if you choose not to receive marketing messages from us, we may still send important transactional and administrative messages to you within the scope permitted by applicable laws. These messages may be sent to you even if you choose not to receive marketing-related messages.

How to Access, Modify, or Delete your Personal Information

You may request to access, correct, or delete your personal information, or request a suspension of processing. In the case of children under 14 years of age for whom you are a legal representative, you may also request to access, correct, or delete their personal information. If there is a request as described above, the Company will verify whether the requester is the individual or a legitimate representative, and may refuse such requests only when there are legitimate reasons as stipulated by law or equivalent. To review, modify, update, or delete your personal information, please contact our representative at (02-2027-6200). We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable.

Retention Period

According to relevant laws such as the Commercial Act, the Framework Act on National Taxes, and the Communication Secrets Protection Act, we retain your personal information to fulfill our retention obligations. Unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law or is necessary to fulfill other legal obligations, we will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy.

Destruction of Personal Information
  • Procedure for Destruction
    After the purpose of processing your personal information has been achieved, it will be transferred to a separate database (or a separate file for paper documents) and stored for a certain period of time according to our internal policy and relevant laws and regulations for information protection (refer to the retention and use period) and then destroyed. Personal information that has been moved to a separate database is not used for purposes other than the retention purpose unless required by law.
  • Method of Destruction
    Personal information stored in electronic files is deleted using technical methods that cannot reproduce records. Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding or incineration.
International Transfer

Your personal information may be stored and processed in any country where our facilities or service providers are located. We transfer your personal information to countries outside of your country of residence, including the United States, in compliance with the requirements and procedures stipulated by the relevant laws and regulations.

Sensitive Information

Unless specifically requested or invited by us, we request that you do not provide us with any sensitive personal information (e.g. information related to race or ethnicity, political views, religion or other beliefs, health, criminal history, or membership in a labor union) and do not disclose such information to us. If there is a need to request or invite sensitive information from you, the Company will only do so with your explicit consent.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

Our company may make changes to this privacy policy. To check the last updated date of this privacy policy, please refer to "Last updated" at the top of this page. Any changes to this privacy policy will be effective from the time that the updated policy is posted on the site by the Company.

Customer Inquiry Contact

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or how we process your personal information, please contact us by telephone at 02-2027-6200 or by sending a letter to the following address.

[Personal Information Protection Officer and Management Officer]
  • Name: LEE Ho-yeong
  • Affiliation and Position: Executive in Charge of Management Planning, Invites Bicore Co., Ltd.
  • Phone : +82.2.3409.1077
  • E-mail :
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